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Miami, Florida

Helmet Laws in Miami

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Helmet Laws in Miami

Being in a motorcycle accident in Miami, Florida, can cause traumatic injuries, including traumatic brain injuries. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of head injuries in a motorcycle crash is wearing a helmet. Helmet laws in Miami and Florida are in place to protect riders.

Unfortunately, wearing a helmet does not prevent all injuries in a motorcycle accident. The Miami motorcycle accident attorneys of Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers can help if you sustain injuries in a motorcycle crash. We have decades of experience and have recovered millions of dollars for our clients.

Contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation with one of our Miami motorcycle accident lawyers. Let us help you hold recover the money you need to move forward after your motorcycle crash, call us today at (305) 937-0191.

How Our Miami Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You With Your Case 

How Our Miami Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You With Your Personal Injury Case

Injury cases related to motorcycle crashes can be complicated. Riders may be blamed for causing an accident that was not their fault. The insurance company might even deny coverage if the rider was riding a motorcycle without a helmet.

At Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers, our Miami motorcycle accident attorneys understand the tactics insurers use to bully motorcyclists into lowball settlements. If you were injured in a Miami-Dade County motorcycle accident, don’t let the insurance company take advantage of you. Hire a lawyer to protect your legal rights. 

When you hire our legal team, you can expect us to:

If you were injured in a motorcycle crash, call our law office in Miami, Florida, to speak with an attorney. We can schedule your free consultation with one of our Miami motorcycle accident lawyers. 

Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Miami, FL

Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Miami, FL

Many states in the county have passed laws requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets when riding a motorcycle. For some riders, the helmet requirement is mandatory. They must either comply with the law or face penalties. 

Florida’s motorcycle helmet and eye protecltion laws are mandatory for some riders. However, other riders may choose not to wear a helmet if they meet specific qualifications.

Florida statute §316.211 requires that motorcycle riders in Florida wear helmets and use eye protection when riding a motorcycle. The requirement does not apply to riders in enclosed cabs.

However, riders that are 21 years or older can opt-out of the mandatory helmet law. These riders must have at least $10,000 in insurance coverage that includes medical benefits. PIP (no-fault insurance) coverage does not apply to motorcycle riders or their passengers. 

Common Injuries Caused by Miami Motorcycle Accidents 

Wearing a motorcycle helmet reduces a rider’s risk of a head injury by 69 percent. In addition, a rider’s risk of death decreases by 39 percent when wearing a motorcycle helmet. However, helmets do not prevent all injuries.

A motorcyclist does not have the protection of a car frame during a collision. Therefore, the risk of catastrophic injuries can be higher in a motorcycle crash.

Motorcycle accident injuries include, but are not limited to:

A rider may require intensive medical treatment, especially for life-threatening and traumatic injuries. Some riders may not recover fully from their injuries, leaving them with permanent impairments and disabilities. 

What Damages Can I Recover After a Motorcycle Accident in Miami?

Damages caused by a motorcycle crash include non-economic and economic damages, such as:

The insurance company for the at-fault driver is not concerned with your damages. Instead, it is concerned with reducing liability for damages. Therefore, you may need to fight for fair compensation.

Filing a Motorcycle Accident Claim in Miami, FL

You must prove that another driver was negligent to recover compensation after a bike accident. Our legal team will identify the party responsible for your motorcycle crash and gather evidence proving fault. We will help you show that another driver breached their duty to drive safely and caused your accident.

However, modified comparative fault could result in a much lower value for your claim — or a complete denial of your claim. If the other party proves that you were 50% or less to blame for the cause of the motorcycle crash, your compensation may be reduced. If they can prove that your share of fault exceeds 50%, they will avoid liability altogether.

Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible is the best way to protect yourself. With a lawyer’s help, you have a better chance of holding the person who caused your crash responsible for your financial losses, injuries, and other damages. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Miami Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

We are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your motorcycle accident with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers in Miami, FL. Your initial consultation is free of charge. Get the facts about a motorcycle accident claim from trusted legal advocates for motorcycle riders.

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