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Worst Traffic Times in Miami, FL

Worst Traffic Times in Miami, FL

Miami has a population of 435,919 people. Combined with public transportation that is not reliable or extensive enough, this makes the city’s roads crowded. Although Miami traffic is always busy, some times are worse than others. But at what time is traffic the worst in Miami, Florida? Let’s look closer at when congestion is a concern and what issues it can cause.

Traffic Times in Miami, FL: Bumper-To-Bumper Crowding

Miami ranks fifth in the country and ninth in the world for worst traffic. The typical driver loses 105 hours each year in traffic, experiencing peak speeds of only 25 mph. 

As with most cities, Miami traffic is worse during rush hour. This is when people are trying to get to and from work. Traffic in Miami is at its worst between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Drivers often choose to drive to work ahead of time just to avoid sitting in traffic for hours or leave work a bit later to skip the worst of Miami rush hour times. 

Highways like the MacArthur Causeway and I-95 are meant to speed up the commute, but they experience severe traffic jams almost every day of the week. What’s even worse is that once you’ve entered the flow of traffic in these freeways, it’s tough to get back out. 

US-1 is another major roadway in Miami, which runs all the way from the downtown area to the Florida Keys. It experiences major traffic jams almost every day as well, with the northbound lane being at its worst from around 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 

The Dangers of Miami Traffic

High traffic times in Miami make your commute much more dangerous. Although speeds are minimal when there’s congestion on the roads, car accidents can still occur. 

Being stuck in traffic increases frustration levels, which can quickly lead to aggressive driving. 

Aggressive driving includes behaviors like:

  • Tailgating
  • Road rage
  • Accelerating quickly 
  • Braking quickly

Accelerating over the kind of short distances traffic congestion allows makes accidents more likely, especially rear-end collisions. People also get more distracted as they wait, which makes it easier to miss changes on the road. If you are bored, you may find yourself fiddling with your phone or changing music stations without really paying attention to the road before you. 

People may also be drowsy during the worst traffic times in Miami, especially early in the morning. A drowsy driver has slower reaction times and won’t be able to make the necessary quick adjustments. 

The stop-and-go nature of traffic congestion can increase the likelihood of causing or being the victim of a rear-end crash. These accidents can lead to whiplash, bruises, and many other issues. 

Sharing the road with many drivers also increases the risk of accidents. During regular hours, you can make room for other vehicles and adjust when they need to pass, but that’s not the case during high-traffic times. You have less space to maneuver. Lane changes are highly complex because of this issue.

What To Do If You’re in a Car Accident in Miami, FL

If you have been in a crash in Miami, Florida, you should contact a Miami car accident lawyer. They can help you get compensation for any injuries you have sustained or property damage you’ve experienced. Having an experienced car accident attorney at your side makes it easier to fight for your rights.

Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm in Miami, FL

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Miami, FL and need legal help, contact our Miami car accident lawyers at Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers
20900 NE 30th Ave Suite 715
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 937-0191

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