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Miami, Florida

Miami Personal Injury Lawyer

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Miami personal injury lawyer

Were you hurt in Miami, FL? Did someone else cause your injuries? If so, Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers is here to help you seek a full financial recovery. 

Our Miami personal injury lawyers have a century of combined experience. We’ve dedicated our law practice to helping victims and families in their pursuit of compensation and justice. Our team has won thousands of cases, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars secured for our clients.

Let us handle the complexities of the personal injury claims process. You focus on your well-being. Contact our office at (305) 937-0191 for a free initial consultation.

Why Should I Hire Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers To Handle My Miami Personal Injury Case? 

Why Should I Hire Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers To Handle My Miami Personal Injury Case? 

As a personal injury victim, you are likely struggling with physical pain. You may also feel mentally exhausted from dealing with the aftermath of your accident, including the stress of costly medical bills. 

You don’t have to face these challenges alone. With Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers by your side, you will have an award-winning law firm and a team of accomplished professionals advocating for you. Our attorneys stand up to large insurance companies and other powerful entities every day. We know what it takes to obtain top results for our clients. 

When you hire our skilled Miami personal injury attorneys to handle your claim, you can expect us to: 

  • Explain your rights under Florida law and keep you informed on all developments
  • Thoroughly investigate how you were injured
  • Assemble the evidence needed to prove causation and damages
  • Work with top experts as necessary
  • Handle all filings and negotiations with opposing parties
  • Prepare your case for court in Miami-Dade County if we cannot reach a fair settlement 

Our law firm includes an attorney who is Double Board Certified in Trial Law, and various organizations have recognized us for our exceptional skills and services. You’ll want us in your corner as you battle insurers and others for compensation. Call today for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Miami, Florida.

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

You might have a valid claim for compensation if you’ve sustained harm due to another party’s carelessness or wrongdoing.

Consider the following examples: 

These and numerous other incidents can lead to a personal injury claim. Contact our Florida attorneys to discuss what happened and whether you can take legal action. Our team can help if you’ve been in a car accident or truck accident, injured due to a slip and fall, or hurt because of medical malpractice.

Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

After an accident or injury in Miami, you should retain legal representation. You will maximize your compensation award with a trusted lawyer supporting you.

Here’s why:

  • Your claim will probably involve an insurance company that prioritizes its profits above all else. An adjuster will use various tactics to avoid paying what you deserve. You level the playing field by enlisting the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.
  • You may be unjustly blamed for your accident. Under Florida law, your compensation can be reduced or barred depending on the percentage of fault you share. Your lawyer will fight for you and ensure that you receive a fair payout.
  • Your case may require expert guidance and other resources that only a top personal injury law firm has. If there are questions regarding liability or the value of your damages, your lawyer will have the tools to work them out. 

On top of these advantages, you also need time to recover from your injuries. You cannot properly heal if you’re constantly stressed with legal issues.

We Handle All Personal Injury Cases in Miami

At Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we assist victims with various types of cases, including those involving: 

Car Accidents

In Florida, drivers must carry PIP insurance, which is no-fault coverage that provides benefits for medical bills and lost income. Although you must typically turn to this policy first, regardless of who causes a crash, you may have other avenues for compensation. We can evaluate your Miami car accident claim and pursue all options. 

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycling is popular in Miami due to its beautiful views and weather. However, dangerous intersections, speeding, and other hazards can cause devastating motorcycle accidents. Let us hold a negligent driver accountable for your injuries and ensure that you receive the medical treatment you need.

Truck Accidents 

Crashes with large commercial vehicles occur frequently despite stringent federal and state trucking regulations. Tired truckers, tire blowouts, and oversized loads all contribute to these Miami truck accidents. We can skillfully assist you with a complex case involving a trucking company, corporation, or large insurance provider. 

Brain Injuries

Those who have suffered head trauma face a long path to recovery. They may struggle with physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments for the rest of their lives. If someone else caused your brain injury in Miami, we will fight for the compensation you need now and in the future. 

Slip & Fall Accidents

Miami property owners are expected to keep their premises reasonably safe from hazardous conditions that could lead to injuries. If you slipped and fell on someone else’s property due to negligent maintenance, we can help with your personal injury claim. However, it’s crucial to get the process started as soon as possible so that we can locate the necessary evidence.

Cruise Ship Injuries

You can suffer injuries on a cruise ship in many ways, from falling on board to being assaulted. Regardless of how you were hurt, our attorneys will identify the laws that apply to your case and prove liability. Call us today if you were injured in a Florida cruise ship accident.

Wrongful Death

If you lost a loved one in a fatal Miami accident, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible individual. Doing so will allow you and your family to be compensated for different types of damages, including funeral expenses and loss of companionship. Let us help you pursue justice.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Most personal injury attorneys in Miami represent clients on a contingency fee basis. This arrangement allows you to hire a lawyer at no upfront expense. Attorney’s fees will be deducted from any award you obtain – meaning you don’t pay unless your case is successful. 

We believe everyone deserves access to quality legal services, even if they’ve fallen on difficult financial times. Working on contingency accomplishes that goal. 

We can explain this in further detail during your free case evaluation. Contact our law office in Miami to schedule an appointment.

What Damages Are Available to Miami Accident Victims?

Miami personal injury victims may be entitled to compensation for their economic and non-economic damages, depending on the facts and circumstances. 

Economic damages are your monetary losses and costs, such as: 

  • Medical expenses 
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Future medical costs for ongoing care
  • Physical therapy
  • Diminished earning potential 
  • Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages are subjective to you and your experience; they could include: 

We can also evaluate whether you may qualify for punitive damages under Florida law. These are reserved to punish wrongdoers for their bad conduct.

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

The value of your Miami personal injury claim depends on multiple factors; we will need to know answers to the following questions: 

  • How severe are your injuries? 
  • Will you make a full recovery? 
  • Are you partially at fault for the accident? 
  • Are you still able to work – and in the same capacity? 
  • How much have you spent on medical care and other necessities?
  • Who is liable for your damages? What kind of insurance coverage do they have?
  • How have your injuries impacted your everyday life? 

Generally, the more severely you’re hurt, the more you can expect to receive for your damages. However, as you can see, that’s not the whole picture. The best way to determine what your case is worth is to enlist the help of a Miami injury lawyer.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After an Accident in Florida?

You will typically have two years from the date of an accident to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida. However, there may be exceptions to this “standard” statute of limitations. 

The bottom line is that you will lose your right to pursue compensation if you don’t file suit within the specified timeframe. Additionally, you should initiate your case as soon as possible to ensure it is as strong as it can be. That’s why it’s essential that you reach out to a lawyer quickly after your accident to get the process started.

What is Negligence, and How Do I Prove It?

Negligence is the basis for most Miami personal injury cases. People are typically harmed due to careless actions instead of intentional misconduct. 

As the injured person, you have to prove the following elements of negligence to receive a financial award from another party: 

  • They owed you a duty of care
  • They breached their duty by an act or omission
  • The breach directly caused the accident and injury 
  • You suffered identifiable damages

The types of evidence you need will depend on the kind of case you’re filing, but it could include: 

  • Medical records 
  • Accident report 
  • Eyewitness accounts 
  • Expert witness reports and testimony 
  • Surveillance of the accident 
  • Photos and videos of the scene 

Our Miami injury attorneys know how to build a persuasive claim for damages and achieve optimal results. 

Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?

It’s unlikely, as only around 5% of these legal matters are decided in a court of law. Most injury cases are resolved with a settlement agreement outlining the parties’ negotiated terms. 

However, your Miami lawsuit may go to trial if: 

  • The parties cannot agree on pivotal issues, such as liability 
  • The statute of limitations deadline is near
  • You want access to the discovery process 
  • The other side refuses to offer you a fair amount
  • You aren’t making any progress in negotiations

Our top-rated trial attorneys will be ready to litigate your case and argue it before a judge and jury if necessary. The choice will be yours, and we’ll help you understand the pros and cons of each decision.

personal injury attorneys in Miami, FL

If you’ve been injured in Miami, FL, don’t delay in seeking guidance from a trusted attorney at Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers. With a combined 100 years of experience, we know how to fight for your rights and get the maximum compensation you deserve. 

We’ve obtained hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients since opening our doors in 2007. You’ll want our Miami personal injury lawyers advocating for you as you navigate the claims process. Call today for a free case review to learn more about an attorney-client relationship.