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Miami, Florida

Miami Personal Injury Blog

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Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal

If you’ve been in an accident, then you know how confusing the legal system can be. There are so many different types of cases and terms that it can be hard to determine what type of lawyer you need or which type of case you have. One common question people have is bodily injury...

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What Is the Safest Type of Motorcycle in Miami, FL?

There’s no question that riding a motorcycle can be a fun and exhilarating experience. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous one.  The Florida Motorcycle Safety Coalition published a study that found an average of 550 motorcycle-related fatalities in Florida between 2016 and 2021. In 2022, this continues to be a serious problem. While...

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What Are My Options After an Accident With a USPS Mail Truck in Miami, FL?

You see mail trucks everywhere throughout Miami. Over 75,000 mail carriers work for the United States Postal Service (USPS). They deliver millions of pieces of mail each day. Unfortunately, thousands of USPS mail trucks are involved in traffic accidents yearly. In a recent year, more than 29,000 USPS vehicles were involved in traffic accidents....

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7 Common Motorcycle Crashes in Miami, FL, and How To Avoid Them

Motorcycle accidents tend to follow common patterns. For example, drivers often fail to spot motorcycles on the road and will maneuver into them. And the inherent instability of motorcycles gives them a much smaller margin for error when making emergency stops or turns. According to Florida’s Crash Dashboard, Miami-Dade County had over 1,000 motorcycle...

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The 12 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Miami, FL

Car accidents in Miami tend to happen for a few specific reasons. Warm weather prevents common environmental hazards like snow, and while cars can suffer breakdowns almost anywhere, Florida’s Crash Facts report hasn’t reported any accidents caused by equipment failures since before 2020. Instead, most car accidents in Miami result from driver errors. Here...

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How To Choose the Best Miami Personal Injury Lawyer

Sustaining an injury in an accident or other personal injury can be devastating. Your life might be turned upside down, even if you sustain minor injuries. Dealing with insurance claims, medical bills, property damage, and other matters can be overwhelming. Hiring a Miami personal injury lawyer can help. An attorney takes care of all...

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What Does it Mean for a Truck to Jackknife?

The population of Miami-Dade county is closing in on 2.8 million people and is growing steadily. A large population means an excess of vehicles on Miami’s streets and highways. Unfortunately, this translates into frequent car accidents and truck accidents. Truck accidents can be extremely dangerous, especially in a case involving a jackknife.  What Does...

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How Much Money Can a Passenger in a Miami Car Accident Receive?

The average settlement for a child in a car accident or an adult passenger in a car accident depends on several factors. A passenger in car accident settlement negotiations can receive economic damages for their financial losses. They can also recover compensation for their non-economic damages.  However, if passenger negligence was a factor in...

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How Much Does a Helmet Improve Survival in a Miami Motorcycle Crash?

Over the last 20 years, the number of motorcycle fatalities in Florida has doubled. A study by the Florida Motorcycle Safety Coalition concluded that there was an average of 550 motorcycle fatalities per year in the state from 2016 to 2021. This study found that motorcycle fatalities accounted for 17% of all traffic fatalities...

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What To Do With a Damaged Car After a Hurricane in Florida

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that 2022 will have at least ten hurricanes and is predicted to be one of the worst hurricane seasons in history. If your car is damaged during a storm, you will need to know what to do.  Here, we provide you with information to help you...

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