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Florida Truck Lane Restrictions

Florida Truck Lane Restrictions

Lawmakers in Florida have enacted truck lane restrictions to minimize the amount of time a large truck occupies specific traffic lanes. The goal is to reduce truck accidents in Miami and throughout the state.

You have probably shared the road with a semi-truck as you drive in and around Miami. Commercial trucks travel through and around Miami every day. Sharing the road with these large, heavy trucks can be dangerous. 

The majority of truck accident victims are occupants of other vehicles. Over three-fourths of the fatalities and injuries in truck accidents are other motorists, passengers in other vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. 

What Truck Lane Restrictions Exist in Florida?

Commercial trucks use Interstate 95 to travel through Florida. Truck lane restrictions have existed on I-95 for 30 years. The truck lane restrictions from the border with Georgia to the Turnpike on I-75 have been in place for 20 years. 

The current truck lane restrictions in Florida cover include, but might not be limited to:

  • Interstate 4 from Kissimmee to Tampa Airport – no trucks in the left lane
  • Interstate 4 from Tampa Airport to Osprey – trucks with more than six wheels must use the right two lanes
  • Interstate 75 from The Villages to the Florida border – trucks over six wheels must use the right two lanes
  • Intestate 75 from Ft. Myers to Naples – no trucks in the left lane
  • Interstate 95 from Jacksonville to the Florida border – trucks with three or more axles cannot use the left lane
  • Interstate 95 from Indian River to Jacksonville – trucks with three or more axles cannot use the left lane
  • Interstate 95 from Miami to West Palm Beach – trucks with three or more axles cannot use the left lane
  • Florida Turnpike from Broward/Miami-Date border to Kendall – no trucks in the left lane
  • Florida Turnpike from Palmetto Bay to Cutler Bay – no trucks in the left lane

Truck drivers can use the Florida Truck Lane Restrictions interactive map provided by the FDOT to check truck lane restrictions throughout the state. Also, the state posts signage indicating truck lane restrictions. 

Violating truck lane restrictions is a noncriminal traffic infraction under Florida Statute §316.074. The truck driver is charged a minimum fine of $121. The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles also assesses three points against the truck driver’s Commercial Driver’s License. 

Other Commercial Truck Safety Regulations 

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) sets and enforces nationwide regulations for the commercial trucking industry. Trucks that travel between states must follow these regulations. Many state and federal trucking regulations help prevent truck accidents. 

Examples of commercial truck regulations include:

  • Alcohol and drug tests for truck drivers
  • Hours of service restrictions
  • Hazardous material transportation regulations 
  • Driver training requirements
  • Accident reporting requirements
  • Electronic logging devices
  • Inspection requirements
  • Requirements for securing cargo

Many trucking companies follow these rules, which reduces the risk of a truck accident. However, some truck drivers and trucking companies violate these rules to save money and increase profits. The cost can be catastrophic for truck accident victims. 

What Should You Do After a Truck Accident in Miami, FL?

Truck accidents cause traumatic injuries and wrongful deaths. Injuries from truck accidents include:

Knowing what steps to take after a semi-truck accident can help you recover compensation for damages

Report the Truck Accident 

Call 911 to report the truck accident. Unfortunately, you may be unconscious or unable to call for help. Bystanders and eyewitnesses generally call 911 because tractor-trailer accidents are catastrophic traffic crashes.

Document the Accident

After passenger vehicle accidents, it helps to take photographs of the accident scene and use your cell phone to make a video. However, truck crashes could result in fires and explosions. It may not be safe to move around the accident scene.

However, take photographs and make a video of the crash scene if you can. Ask anyone that offers assistance to provide their name and contact information. Eyewitness testimony can be crucial in a truck accident case.

Seek Immediate Medical Assistance

In most cases, EMS transports victims of truck crashes directly to the hospital. Do not refuse treatment after a traffic accident. Saying you are “okay” or “fine” could hurt your case. You need medical documentation to support your personal injury claim.

Get Help with Your Truck Accident Claim

Truck accident cases are complicated. They often involve multiple parties and federal trucking regulations. Trucking companies and their insurance providers have extensive resources to fight injury claims. You can get help with your claim from a Miami truck accident lawyer. A truck accident attorney has the resources and experience to investigate the crash and gather evidence proving causation, fault, and liability. Fighting an insurance company and large trucking company on your own can hurt your chances of recovering fair compensation for your damages.

Contact Our Truck Accident Law Firm in Miami, FL

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Miami, FL and need legal help, contact our Miami truck accident lawyers at Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers
20900 NE 30th Ave Suite 715
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 937-0191

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