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The Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

The Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

According to the Florida Department of Health, unintentional falls are the top cause of injury-related deaths among Floridians who are 65 or older and the fourth most common cause for all Floridians. When looking at specific causes, slips, trips, and stumbles represent a plurality of all fall-related deaths.

Unfortunately, though the organization recognizes a difference between a slip and fall and a trip and fall, it does not define that difference or make it apparent in its reported statistics. The problem is, in legal circles, that distinction matters.

The Difference Between a Trip and a Slip

Slipping and tripping may often be lumped together, but they represent significantly different changes in momentum. Think of it this way: Can you trip and fall while walking down a flight of stairs? Yes. But you are more likely to slip. Conversely, you are more likely to trip while walking up a flight of stairs.

A slip occurs when you lose traction, and your foot continues its momentum when you intend for it to stop, thus throwing you off balance and causing you to fall. 

Common causes of slips in Miami include the following:

  • Loose sand
  • Puddles of seawater
  • Spilled drinks
  • Wet pool decks

A trip, on the other hand, occurs when your momentum is stopped unexpectedly. Your center of gravity is usually out of place because you moved it with the expectation that your foot and leg would continue moving. You’ll need to catch yourself to avoid falling.

Why the Difference Between Slips and Trips Matter

According to the same Florida Department of Health study, the most common injury sustained as a result of a fall is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the type of TBI that a victim suffers is likely to differ based on whether they trip or slip.

When you slip, you usually fall backward, making the back of your head more likely to strike a hard surface. Conversely, when you trip, you typically fall forward, resulting in the front of your head being hit. The location of a head injury affects its severity and consequences.

For premises liability lawyers, that difference can result in significantly more or less potential for damages. Experienced lawyers understand the various types of injuries and the amount of care they are likely to require to fully recover from. If you inaccurately describe the cause of your injury, it may be more difficult for an attorney to accurately estimate the damages you are owed.

Other Types of Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are not the only type of injury you can suffer from after a fall, though they are the most likely to be fatal. Several other injuries are common, depending on whether you trip or slip.

For example, if you slip, you are more likely to cause soft tissue damage by pulling or tearing a muscle, tendon, or ligament. That’s because the slipping motion places extra pressure on the soft tissue, particularly in your legs.

However, when you trip, you are more likely to break a bone in your arm, especially if your arms hit the ground first when you put them out to catch your fall. The bones absorb the force of the fall in your arms.

Personal injury lawyers, therefore, have to be familiar with all types of injuries in order to properly represent their clients.

Premises Liability and Each Type of Fall

Premises liability is a field of law based on the idea that property owners are required to ensure the safety of people who have the right to be on their property. Thus, a property owner is required to identify the following safety concerns and correct them as soon as possible:

Slip Dangers

In Miami, the most common slip dangers arise in places where the ground is likely to get wet. 

As such, places where slipping dangers are common include the following:

Property owners must watch for the accumulation of water and clean it as soon as possible to protect others. Restaurant owners, for instance, need to be quick to clean the floor when there is a spill.

Trip Dangers

While slip dangers usually involve sudden dangers, such as spilled food or water, trip dangers are often a result of a lack of maintenance.

A protruding carpet, for instance, may cause a trip danger, as it isn’t something that presents a sudden threat. The damage is caused slowly over time and can be corrected if the property owner performs appropriate maintenance. 

Some common locations of trip dangers include the following:

  • Stairwells
  • Elevators
  • Park trails
  • Crowds

However, there are some cases where tripping dangers can be sudden as well. One of the most common examples is when a lightbulb goes out in a stairwell, as the darkness causes the stairs to become a tripping hazard. Property owners should be wary of such a scenario and make sure someone checks lighted areas for potential outages regularly.

How Trips and Slips Are the Same

Whether you fall off a platform or just trip over something and hit the ground, you can get seriously injured by these hazards. Property owners, whether public or private, are equally responsible for watching out for these dangers. While the injuries that someone suffers may differ, liability is typically the same for both types of falls.

Slips and Trips: Different Types of Falls But the Same Types of Danger

The differences between slips and trips may seem trivial if you are hurt, but they can mean a world of difference when it comes to your required medical care and the cost thereof.

If you are seriously hurt in any type of accident, being able to explain to your doctor and lawyer how you were injured can make a big difference regarding how much compensation you get for your fall.

Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm in Miami, FL

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Miami, FL and need legal help, contact our Miami personal injury lawyers at Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers
20900 NE 30th Ave Suite 715
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 937-0191

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