Malfunctioning Traffic Signals
October 4, 2024 | Sagi Shaked | Car Accidents

Many drivers take traffic signals for granted in Miami. When a driver approaches an intersection, the light turns green, and the driver can proceed. But this process is not always as simple as it should be. For example, what happens when those signals stop working properly? Malfunctioning traffic lights may be more common — and dangerous — than you might think.
The Surprising Frequency of Signal Failures
Traffic signals fail more often than many people realize, and in a city like Miami, with thousands of intersections, that can add up to a sizable number of malfunctioning lights.
These failures can happen for a number of reasons, including:
- Power outages
- Software glitches
- General wear and tear on aging equipment
- Accidents that involve control boxes or electrical poles
- Power surges or high winds due to storms
- Vandalism or tampering
- Maintenance issues
- Other unknown causes
Miami’s tropical climate doesn’t help, either. Heat, humidity, and frequent thunderstorms can all take their toll on traffic signal hardware.
What To Do When a Traffic Signal Is Not Working
Perhaps the most obvious type of signal failure is when the lights go out completely, which often happens during power outages. Miami-Dade County has backup batteries for many signals, but these batteries only last a few hours. During extended outages after hurricanes, even those backups can fail. Here’s what to do if you encounter a non-working traffic signal in Miami.
Follow Right-of-Way Rules
Drivers are meant to treat a dark intersection like a four-way stop. When approaching an intersection with non-functioning traffic signals, all drivers should come to a complete stop at the stop line or before entering the intersection.
The drivers would then follow Florida’s right-of-way rules, such as:
- The driver who comes to a complete stop first gets to go first
- If two vehicles stop at the same time, the one on the right has the right-of-way
- When two facing vehicles stop at the same time, with one going straight while the other is turning, the one going straight has the right of way
- When two facing vehicles are both turning, the one making a right turn goes before the one making a left turn
This system generally works, but it relies on everyone knowing and following the rules.
Proceed With Caution
Even when following these rules, drivers should proceed with additional caution. Not everyone may be familiar with or follow these guidelines, especially in the confusion of a malfunctioning signal.
Legal Implications of Malfunctioning Traffic Signals
Failing to treat a malfunctioning signal as a four-way stop can lead to accidents and potential legal liability. In Miami, drivers who don’t follow these rules could be found negligent if they cause a car accident.
The Danger of Light Malfunctions
Sometimes, malfunctions are more subtle. Such malfunctions can be even more dangerous than dark intersections because drivers may not realize anything is wrong until it’s too late.
For example, suppose that you are approaching a green light, assuming cross traffic has a red light, only to collide with a vehicle driver or motorcycle rider who also has a green light. These types of accidents tend to be severe because neither driver is expecting the impact.
Who Is Liable In An Accident Caused By A Malfunctioning Light?
When accidents happen due to malfunctioning signals, determining liability can be complicated. The city responsible for maintaining the lights, the contractor who installed them, and the driver who failed to navigate the intersection safely could all be potentially liable parties. That’s why these cases frequently require car accident attorneys to sort out the legal nuances.
Miami’s High-Tech Solution To Traffic Light Failures
When traffic signals fail, the consequences can be serious. Fortunately, Miami-Dade County is implementing a massive new Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) aimed at improving things for commuters, transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists throughout the County.
The ATMS is part of Miami’s broader plan to modernize transportation and tackle issues like frequent traffic signal malfunctions.
Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm in Miami, FL
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Miami, FL and need legal help, contact our Miami car accident lawyers at Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.
Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers
20900 NE 30th Ave Suite 715
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 937-0191